Friday, February 13, 2009

- concept of Islam -

The oneness of the Divine Being requires that all submission must be to Him. There is nothing in the people’s mind or in their lives, which is not subject to God’s authority. The oneness of God means that there is only One Being who has the right to set values and standards for people requiring them to submit to Him, obey Him, and implement the legislation He had enacted for them in all the affairs of their lives. There is only one faith, namely, pure submission to God alone, which is acceptable to Him.

When we said that the only true faith acceptable to God is self-surrender to Him, we mean true Islam. This is not merely a claim to be stated, a flag to be raised or a detached academic concept to be discussed which does not stir hearts or minds, or even a set of acts of worship such as Prayer, fasting and pilgrimage. This is not the sort of Islam, which God describes as the only faith acceptable to Him. True Islam means complete obedience, total submission to God and the implementation of His revelations in human life, as stated in the Quran.

Islam also means the oneness of the Divine Being who is the Eternal Master of all. People of earlier revelations used to confuse the person of God and the person of Jesus Christ. They also confused God’s will and that of Christ’s. They disagreed among themselves so violently that they fought and killed one another on numerous occasions. God, therefore, made the reasons for these disputes clear for both the people of earlier revelations and for the Muslim community.

Their disputes did not arise out of ignorance of the truth. They had been given certain knowledge of God’s oneness and the fact that He is the only Lord in the universe. They were also given the knowledge they needed about human nature and true submission to God. They simply disagreed ‘through mutual aggression’ when they abandoned the course of justice embodied in the faith and the law of God revealed to them.

source by: True humility in Islam Islam

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